February Updates and First Fashion Shoot of 2022

First off let me apologies for the lateness of the blog this month. I got bogged down with some editing and other stuff, but here it is and we kick off with a fashion shoot featuring new model (to me) Xenia Model and fan favourite Monalisa Moyo with some melanin magic.

I know its hard this month trying to be positive when there is an unnecessary and ugly, brutal war going on in the Ukraine at the present. But life still goes on and the World turns despite having the sword of Democles hanging over it.

A big thanks to all the usual subjects this month Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist. To Shadrine at Kavour Beauty and Phil Lynam at The Boardroom Studio in Derby. And not forgetting Amy for her help, ;love and support.

Enjoy this months blog

Xenia Model & Monalisa Moyo Fashion Shoot

I was graced by two lovely models for my first shoot of the New Year in the shape of old favourite Monalisa Moyo and new (to me) Russian model Xenia. Both models shot with me and together over a two day shoot at the Boardroom Studio in Derby. It was quite a big shoot with a lot of concepts and styles and I thought it would have wore me out more than it actually did. Thanks then to Xenia and Monalisa for their modelling and Shadrine from Kavour Beauty for her amazing makeup. Thanks also to Phil Lynam for his studio and help on the day. A special thank you to Amy for her assistance and food. I fully intend to see more of both Xenia and Monalisa again at future shoots and shall give serious thought as to some worthy ideas.

As a matter of interest Xenia Model has her own brilliant studio in sunny Sheffield, where she works as model and owner. Check out her place, its called Zavod Studio.

New 'Squared B/W' Gallery in Flowers Art

I got all inspired by some pictures I found on Instagram where the photographer had made every image squared and black and white. They were either done using a medium format camera or squared in Photoshop. Either way they looked great and I wanted to do some of my own.

I shall let you into a secret …. some of the pictures here are of fake flowers, so can you guess which ones? The plastic fantastic were from my Mothers front room and taken at the New Year time.

I do hope you like the concept and enjoy the random highlights.

February Flower Updates

So as well as the new 'Squared B/W/ ' gallery above we also have the regular flower pictures fresh from the shop. Remember those storms we had a few weeks ago, well they clashed with me going to The Brambles Florist and I was worried that the flowers would not stand the short journey to the taxi? Luckily I got around this problem by going a few days later, when it was still blowy but manageable. So here is this February offerings thanks in no small way to our friends Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist,

See you next month.

January Updates, Happy New Year and an unashamed plug for the 'Brutal' Architecture books and the work of Martin Dust photographer

Let me first say thank you for coming back to my blog and hope you are all having a great start to the New Year 2022.

There has been no fashion shoot this month, but that will be remedied soon with a double shoot on the 22nd / 23rd February with Monalisa Moyo and Russian model Xenia in the Boardroom Studio in Derby. I can not wait to get going with that but I first need to show some of the left over stuff from last year and new stuff from this month. As I mentioned in last months blog update we were taken to Rushden Lakes shopping complex were I managed to do some photography as well as some landscapes on another day. The results you will find featured here.

Before the end of last year I came across an advert on Instagram for a book of photographic work by a local photographer called Martin Dust. He lives in the Sheffield area and photographs what is known as 'Brutal' architecture. Things that a lot of people would feel hard pressed to love and find beauty in it. Least of all Prince Charles. I had already started my 'Architectural Metaphor' project some months before, so was taken to see his work. I purchased his 'Brutal Sheffield' book and follow up 'Brutal Yorkshire' book which are both excellent editions. The photography is amazing, but I suppose it would be fare to say, it might not be for everyones taste. However, if you have been enjoying my 'Architectural Metaphor' and 'Sound Of The Suburbs' projects you may just like Martin’s brilliant work.

Check out and support his work at the following

So it just leaves me to say a few thank yous to finish off. To Amy for her support. To Chris and Wendy at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours and to Karen and Carmen Ma Not forgetting Mum and Dad, it was just great to see you both again after so very long. x

Project- 'Architectural Metaphor' Update

We were taken to a place called 'Rushden Lakes' to visit this really brilliant magazine shops that stocks just about every publication you can think of. Including a lot of fashion photography magazines I enjoy thumbing through. Also there they have this public right of way and overpass from a busy main road that spirals round in a sweeping arch. It caught my eye the previous time I went there, so this time I took my trusted Nikon and captured it with the help of Amy.

Project – 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Update

Only one this month and like the Architectural Metaphor gallery it is taken at Rushden Lakes shopping centre. Please enjoy

Commercial Update

Here are a few shots I did for Mother and Daughter Fashion and Accessories sales team Ma & Ma of some of the handbags they have on sale. There are four different looks for each handbag, in various colours. Thank you Karen and Carmen for the product and Amy for her assistance

Still Life / Fine Art Gallery – Update

Amy often comes across random items that she thinks might be worth photographing as she goes about her day. Point in case this month was a branch from a tree complete with berries that had rotted that blew across the market place. So she picks these things up and brings them home to see what we can do. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but here I think it did. She also came home with a bag of Oranges to eat and photograph.

So we did.

As with Brutal' architecture, if you look you can find beauty in many things. You just have to sometimes perceive things differently.

Projects – 'Landscapes' Update

I never thought I would be doing any updates for this blog, as getting out and about in the deepest countryside is not easy for me. Yet over the New Year break my parents kindly took me on a magical mystery tour of some of the back lanes where they live, and I am quite happy with the results. We had good weather with us. It was am over cast day, but that is fine because it adds drama to landscape pictures.

So thanks Mum and Dad for your help on the day. They know they do not particularly like black and white images as it is what they grew up with, but I think they would agree It gives the pictures more depth and punch.

January Flower Updates

It is good to be back photographing flowers again after the Christmas break. It seems like an age since I took up the camera for these snaps. As always I would like to thank my good friends at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours, Chris and Wendy for all their help in choosing this months selection. Also a shout out to Amy for all her help in setting our home studio up.

See you next month

December Updates and a belated seasons greetings.

I am writing this to you from a few days into the January New Year 2022. So not strictly up to date. I had wanted to complete this before I went away for the holidays with Amy, but got bogged down with other matters. So here it is Decembers blog … completely free to enjoy without Covid and with apologies if a bit late.

Starting the month of I would wish to say a big thanks to our friends Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist, without their help I could never get the monthly flower images done. They are an invaluable help, so thanks. It is only fair to give a mention also to Amy who is always at my side and joins in the fun of the shoots. We went away to my parents house over the New Year period where they very kindly took us out into the wilds of the countryside to do some landscape photography. As well as a trip to this brilliant magazine shop in Rushden Lakes shopping centre where I managed to capture some shots for next months 'Architectural Metaphor' page. I would like to thank them deeply and say how much Amy and I appreciate and love them both. You can see the results of our trip away later this January.

There was no model shoot in December and will not be one until the end of February, but there is a years review slide show to have a look over for the greatest hits of 2021.

Enjoy the show.

Projects - 'Architectural Metaphor' Updates

Just to start off with a look over some architecture this month, with some brutal 1970's car park design amongst others As well as an old and faded art deco veneer shop front face which used to once be the Co-op.

Projects – 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Update

Just a couple to update this project gallery this month as it has not been having much love for a while. These were taken on a trip around town, primarily to snap some clothing on location, but as an opportunity to grab some sound of the suburbs stuff.

December Flower Updates

A few seasonal plants for cheer thrown in to give it a bit of a Christmas feel about it. All the flowers were ably provided as usual by our friends Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist. Once again thank you for all their flowers this month and every month before in the year. A shout out to Amy for all her help on these shoots.

See you all alive and well in 2022. xx

November Updates

Welcome back to the blog and web site of Lujon Rael.

Has everyone had or going to have their booster jab yet? Amy and I had ours last Sunday. All went well until the next day when I felt like a zombie and slept a full twenty four hours.

Amy’s arm just hurt a bit. !!

I can happily report that there have been no falls this month and I have been mostly busy watching re-runs of Star Trek 'Deep Space Nine' on the SyFi channel. That said, I did manage to get in a great shoot with new model to me Tasha Lawer. Which was great fun and the usual flower shoot I do with help from Amy and our friends, Chris and Wendy at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours at the end of the month.

We are getting into Christmas season now, or, Mariah Carey Season as I like to think of it. With only one more month to go before we watch 'The Guns of Navarone' and Morecambe and Wise 1973 Christmas Special on the BBC.... again !

So enjoy the blog and lets all stay safe this season.