
Just outside and around the corner from Sywell Aerodrome near Northampton is a huge garden centre called Beckworth Emporium. Its an awesome place with a farmers market area deli and really cool restaurant. They serve this ice cream called Spaghetti Ice cream, that despite its name is not made using pasta, but is truly to die for. Every time I eat the stuff I fall in love with it and serious thought to settling down with the ice cream, marrying it and starting a family with it (?) Its that bloody good. So here are a few commercial food pictures of the Ice cream add a first course, some cheese and spring onion sandwiches. Lovely !!

Commercial Update

A couple of pictures to through in this month that were commercial. All good stuff especially if you like cheesecake which I do. Thanks to all involved.

Commercial Update

This January I got out and about to photograph some bouquets of flowers for Valentines day on location at Brambles Florist. It was great fun. If a bit cold, but nice to get out for a change. Thanks then to Chris and the ladies at Brambles Florist for their help and cups of tea on the job.

Commercial Update

Instagram is a great resource for watching people create images and I am taken by how many are helpful enough to show you how to do product photography. Its just a pity that the majority of Instagram is 'bots' trying to defraud you out of money with Bitcoins, or asking you to look at semi nude photos of women and all the other bullshit.

I hope you enjoy the New commercial stuff.

Commercial Update

I have been steadily getting bits and bobs together to build up my commercial section of the website. This entails a lot of watching short reels on Instagram about product photography and how to do it. So far so good. It is actually more fun that you might think, as well as the fact the unlike models product does need a fag break or paying. Here is a small offering for this month with thanks to Amy and Ebay.

Commercial – Update

A very lovely friend of mine Krystal has started her own online skin care company called 'Krystal & Meli.' Its a new venture and finding its own feet, but the product is second to none and for me equally fun to photograph. Why not check them out at their website

Here are a spotlight on a few of the commercial images I took for them in my home studio.

Good luck ladies x.

Commercial Update

Here are a few shots I did for Mother and Daughter Fashion and Accessories sales team Ma & Ma of some of the handbags they have on sale. There are four different looks for each handbag, in various colours. Thank you Karen and Carmen for the product and Amy for her assistance

*NEW* Commercial Images

I know this sounds snobbish but my wife and I buy our tea from a company in London called Drury Tea & Coffee’s. We recently purchased there English Breakfast Tea in pyramid bags and they are lovely. So we came up with an idea to do a mock up couple of adverts for them. Here is the results that have since been sent to them to view. There is only a touch of photoshop on the pictures, the rest was done in camera.