
Marie Jean Saxton Second Fashion Shoot

had planned to work with this months model a second time and the shoot was going ahead earlier this year – but then she got pregnant. Thankfully she is back now, and looking in great shape for this fashion shoot taken at The Boardroom Studio in Derby. Its always a joy and privileged to work with creatives like Marie and Shadrine my makeup artist. It makes all the difference to the shoot. So I hope the pictures speak for themselves. Thanks to Marie Jean Saxton for modelling. To Shadrine at Ka'Vour Beauty for all her hair and makeup work and to Phil Lynam at the brilliant Boardroom Studio for his valuable help and advice.

Monalisa Moyo – Nottingham Train Station Shoot.

This was the only shoot we managed to do this month, but it was one I had longed to do. We got special permission from the boss of Nottingham Train Station to use a part of his station away from all the trains So thanks to him and to Shadrine who popped along to do the makeup for both models. Monalisa Moyo was first up with a short set and looking great in the very expensive 'Ballet Boots' I purchased from Amazon. Monalisa complained that they were impossible to stand up in and you can get a sense of that from the pictures. Yet they make for an interesting shoot. Monalisa was joined by a lovely model I had never worked with named Fern Thompson who came a distance for this shoot and I was very grateful for her being there.

Together they worked well. I hope you like the set?

Monalisa Moyo and Fern Thompson – Nottingham Train Station Shoot.

Both melanin lovelys together on set. Thank you for Shadrine from Kavour for her makeup and Amy for helping with the lighting.

Fern Thompson – Nottingham Train Station Shoot

Fern was great to work with and a true professional. Pregnant at the time of shooting, she turned up on time and was great. We did have an accident with the ballet boots when the heels dropped of, but that was more to do with the cheep and nasty way they were made than to Ferns moves on set. Like Monalisa, she found it near impossible to stand up let alone walk in them, but they make a great picture.

So thanks to Fern for all her hard work and hope to see you again in the New Year.

Supple Suki – Fashion Shoot

This last month we had the great pleasure of working with a new model to me who goes by the name 'Supple Suki' and she is everything it says on the tin. She normally teaches acrobatic pole dancing and can get into any position you choose, within limits. She was also great fun to be with.

Suki contacted me through a website regarding a posting of work that I put up, but was a little bit too late. Still she impressed me enough to follow her up and give her a shoot on her own.

Thanks then to all involved. To Suki for modelling. To Phil Lynam at the Boardroom Studio in Derby. To Shadrine at Kavour Beauty for her hair and makeup and to Amy for all her help and food stuff.

Come the new year, I hope to shoot again with this flexible and charming model.

Zoe Birtwhistle Fashion Shoot – Before Long

The largest part of this months shoot material is being used on another site, but here are a few head and shoulders shots I took of fashion model Zoe Birtwhistle. The head piece she is wearing that looks like a Radio Active sign, was made by hand for this shoot by Zoe herself. It was brilliant, I am eternally in her debt for going to such lengths to create something so original for this shoot.

The pictures as usual were taken in the amazing Boardroom Studio in Derby, with thanks to Phil Lynam for its use and his help. So also a special thanks also to Amy for helping me on the day and providing food. A warm thanks obviously to Zoe, you were brilliant.

Commercial Update

Here are a few shots I did for Mother and Daughter Fashion and Accessories sales team Ma & Ma of some of the handbags they have on sale. There are four different looks for each handbag, in various colours. Thank you Karen and Carmen for the product and Amy for her assistance

Model Shoots Review 2020

As I am sure your all aware there is no model shoots until February 2021, covid permitting. But I do need to round up this years meagre offerings with a slideshow. So thanks to all involved in these shoots … you are all the sultans of swing. To Monalisa Moyo, Suzanne L, Divya Ram, Tyler Dyce, Lee Henshaw, Nuria Do Prado Rael and Sonia Greatorex See you all I hope in next years shoots.

I hope x

Music: ‘Sultans of Swing’ Dire Straits