August Updates, Amys Birthday. Muniras return and a welcome getaway to a (not so) sunny Northamptonshire

Welcome back to my little corner of the web.

We got away from the same four walls we surround ourselves with. I would do it more often if I was fully mobile. So we had our escape to the wilds of Northamptonshire to visit my Mum and Dad. It was so good to see them and spend time with them again, chewing the fat and visiting places. The weather was not as warm as it sometimes is and looked a bit threatening at times, but it did not rain until we were on the journey home.

August was the fifty seventh birthday of my long suffering wife Amy, although I am sure she told me she was twenty one again? So happy birthday sweetypie x Hope we have many more birthdays to share with each other to come.

Has anybody heard of how its possible to stalk a building? …. No, me neither …. but we went out the other day to do some photography and that accusation was levelled at me. I will tell you all more next month as it happened in September and the pictures for display at the end of the months blog. Watch this space.

Look out for awsome model and beauty Munira in this months fashion piece. Certainly worth a look. There is a shoot coming up on September 11th at the studio in Derby with a new model to me. A Chinese model called Eva from Bristol. Its planned to do some high fashion shots in black and white as well as using Art Deco as an inspiration. I am looking forward to it as its always good to work with someone new. So that's about it for a brief round up of things. I touch more on the trip to Northampton over the course of this months blog so please read on and enjoy.

Thanks for dropping by and enjoy the show. x

NB. The wound has healed up nicely.