sound of the suburbs

Project – 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Update

Only one this month and like the Architectural Metaphor gallery it is taken at Rushden Lakes shopping centre. Please enjoy

Projects – 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Update

Just a couple to update this project gallery this month as it has not been having much love for a while. These were taken on a trip around town, primarily to snap some clothing on location, but as an opportunity to grab some sound of the suburbs stuff.

Projects - 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Gallery Update.

After a brief time away from this project, I finally found the strength to go out and do a bit for the sound of the suburbs gallery. Thanks to Amy for her help on those days.

Projects - Sound Of The Suburbs

A few more snaps to add to the scrap book of odd things. These were taken near my house, as its not too far to walk. Thanks to ASDA and to 2nd Generation Unisex Hair Salon for there help.

Projects - Sound Of The Suburbs

I have been once again capturing my surrounds and showing them in a de-saturated, bleak fashion. I quite enjoy these, it doesn’t expend too much effort and can look effective.

*New* - Projects - Sound Of The Suburbs

This may take a bit of explaining, but I have made a new folder on the site called ‘Projects.’ The first project is an ongoing one I have named ‘Sound Of The Suburbs’ after the punk anthem by The Members. It is supposed to show mundane things we all take for granted and often ignore. Some pictured in a desoaute way. Here are the first four.