September Updates and the Cops are after me for stalking (a building) !!!

Welcome back to my little corner of (Pentonville Prison) the web.

The seasons have changed from Summer to Autumn and the bad weather it can bring before Winter.There was a very short but welcome Indian Summer, which was nice while it lasted, but gone now. realised that I only have two shoots left this year and so should give good thought to what I am going to do next year in 2025? I know its cliche to say, but where has all the year gone?

So what is all this about the Police being after me. In truth that statement is a bit exaggerated as nothing came of it in the end. Sunday at the start of September Amy and I with James our taxi driver went out to do a bit of landscape and architecture photography. It was a but drizzly out but that did not stop us visiting a Roman hill and another smaller mound near B&Q for the landscape part. After which we drove the short distance to the Amazon Depot, because I like its design. More toi t I like all the lines that are in the design of the structure. So we stopped in front of it and then a short drive to the side of the building. There were CCTV cameras there which was no surprise and a mentioned at the time that we might get reported for taking these snaps. Sure enough we did. After James dropped us off at home he called back saying that Amazon had contacted the Taxi company and informed them that they would call the police. Apparently I had been stalking the building? Quite how you go about stalking a building I don't know and everyone I mention this fact to is also baffled by it. There was no need to panic over it as we had not committed any crime and last thing I can remember is that its not illegal to photograph a building. So I called the Police myself and gave them my details, address phone number and explanation for the call. Asking them if they want to come around and see me that would be great. Four weeks later now and I am still waiting for them. I would like to think that somewhere a more common sensed view prevailed and they realised that if I were a criminal 'casing the joint' as they say, I would hardly turn up midday on a Sunday in a taxi .. that would be pretty stupid and almost as idiotic as saying that I was stalking the building in the first place.

We got to work with a new model this month at the studio. Eva Mengling Pu travelled up to see us and the team set to work making it a memorable day with so great pictures. There was going to be a shoot in October, and none in November, but that has had to be changed around due to circumstanced in Shadrine’s family. No problem we are all go for the 11th of November instead.Thats it for the round up of this month so thanks for dropping by and enjoy the show. X

PS. OMG ...I have just heard a loud knock at my front door ? …. It could be the Police !!!!