Lee Henshaw - Fashion & Location Shoot

I was commissioned by studio owner / photographer, male model and star of my competiton entry, Lee Henshaw to do him some new fashion pictures he can take to the agencies and use. Here they are. I am pleased with them and would like to thank Lee for modelling and Amy for all her help that morning.

Monalisa Moyo Shoot (Extra)

Just a little hangover from last months shoot with Monalisa Moyo. I have made three fashion prints, turned / toned blue for effect.

September Flowers Update

We have a bumper show of flowers this month with some extra stuff Amy picked up on her journey, but mainly the crop from the amazing Brambles Florist and Flowers for yours. So a huge shout to both Chris and Wendy at the shop for their help. I could not have done it without you. And a special mention again to wendy for the fuschia from her garden. Check out their web sites and shop highlighted above.

August Shoots and our day out in Derby

I thought that along with my new makeup artist Ka’Vour Beauty, I would try out a new studio. So booked myself in for a four hour shoot at The Boardroom Studio in Derby. It was a great place and we all got something good out of it. So thanks to Phil at the studio (veiw it here), for all his assistance and use of his pad. This month we were graced by two models, Monalisa Moyo who we have not seen in a while. Also as an extra Tanya Model for your enjoyment. Have a look over the pictures and check out the brilliant makeup artist Shadrine at Ka’Vour Beauty. (Check out her facebook page here).

Monalisa Moyo Shoot

We were graced by having the amazing fashion model Monalisa Moyo for this shoot, and its always a pleasure to get her in front of the camera. We got some seriously good images that day. So thanks to everyone who took part in the creation of these pictures.

Tanya Model Shoot

We have not seen Tanya (who eagle eyed views may recognise her by her other names?) for a long while, but it was good to see her modelling again … if only briefly. You looked great Tanya x

Thanks once again to the model, and to all who helped create these images.

Monalisa Moyo and Tanya Shoot.

While at the new studio I thought it would be great to snap both star models together … and they agreed. So here are the amazing Monalisa Moyo and Tanya together. Thanks to The Boardroom Studio and to Ka’Vour Beauty for their valued imput.

August Flower Update

Thanks this month to my wife Amy and a huge special thanks to Wendy at Brambles Florist for getting me some very delicate flowers I had asked for. I hope I can do them justice. Here is August flowers at the turn of another season. So lets see what next month brings us?

It's July and we are back in action ... and back in Hospital

Covid-19 is far from over, but the powers that be seem to think its okay to go out a bit … so I did.

It was good to be doing something for a change, although it was hard work. Still kicking off the month we had a visit by Divya Ram, an Indian Beauty Queen on a location shoot along with a new makeup artist Ka’Vour Beauty. Later in the month we kick started to flowers shoots off again after a visit to Brambles Florist. You can see all the results here on this site and blog

Unfortunately it also came along with a trip to the hospital because I now have ‘Unstable Angina.’ to add to the list of medical problems. It hurt and I sweated buckets. It has made life a bit harder, but the show goes on and it won’t stop me.

Not today anyway ….

So thanks to all in our brilliant NHS and to the love and support of my wife Amy.

The Indian Beauty Queen (First) Shoot

My first shoot back after the Covid-19 lockdown and I am pleased to welcome lovely model, Divya Ram who won an Indian Beauty Queen contests a year or so a go. This was also the first shoot with new makeup artist Shadrine from Ka’Vour Beauty. Both ladies were brilliant and we got some great pictures. It was a bad weather day for July and I wasn’t that well on the day - but we got it done. So thank you to them and to Amy for her help

Hello to Brambles Florist

Sadly the shop I was using to provide my flowers closed down with the Covid-19 pandemic. So many people and businesses did not make it through so thanks to Blossoms for all they did for me. You were great.

But life moves on … and I am happy to welcome Brambles Florist who are a great shop providing a wide arrange of flowers to the public.

Check out their business and great service here at www.bramblesflowers.com


Flowers To Yours (F To Y)

I would love to bring your attention to a brilliant Eco friendly option in Flower delivery called Flowers To Yours. Everything in the process of the growth, preparation and delivery to the composting is eco friendly and does not contain plastics in anyway. On top of this every delivery comes with a free package of bee and butterfly friendly seeds for you to grow in your gardens. Its unique … you get a bigger delivery so more for your money and its good for our world. In short its worth giving them a go.

Visit their website here at www.flowerstoyours.com


July Flower Update

Well here it is after the long lock down, the flowers are back with a great thank you to Brambles Florist. I have been testing out some new backgrounds and less photoshop with these, and colouring by Capture One …. So here they are please enjoy.

Welcome To June Covid-19 Special

Its looking like the dreaded Covid-19 is waning … or at least thats the reason our beloved leaders are giving reason to open up again. Only time will tell if this is a wise move, but its nice to be able to go out and feel the air on your skin again. I have been busy creating new projects and lots of photography. I might add I could not have done any of it without the help of my lovely wife Amy. Thank you x Remember to come back next month to see a fresh new model shoot.

June Digital Art

Just a small offering from this month on Digital Art. I took all the images (including the Dalek) and with Amy’s help she styled the Barbie Doll hair and her smoking something illegal !!!, Amy very helpfully made the ‘Just Married’ sign and held the chalk. So starting with that chalk image on a serious current subject. Black Lives Matter. More next month.