fashion shoot

Aasiya Azeemali – First Shoot

Aasiya is a new model to me who contacted me through Instagram. A point to add here is that she is the first model to contact me through this platform that was an actual human and not a BOT created by a computer or a scammer in anyway, which makes a refreshing change on top of which she was lovely. She arranged to meet up with me and brought her Mum with her and we went out shooting in a few locations in town. Aasiya is a Muslim model and a hijab wearer, which was another first for me and we got some great pictures together.

I have asked if Aasiya would like to be my first model back in a February shoot next year at The Boardroom Studio on Derby with Shadrine my makeup artist from Kavour Beauty? She has agreed, so all looks good to go on that front.

I hope you enjoy our work together?

Nicolie Campbell (with Monalisa Moyo) Fashion Shoot

It was good to get back into the studio again with athlete and champion boxer Nicolie Campbell again. Its so hard to take a bad picture of this man. And on top of this shoot regular Monalisa Moyo came along as well to lend a helping hand … and arm … literally ! The images were all taken early on a Friday morning at The Boardroom Studio in Derby and I must mention a special thank you to studio owner Phil Lynam for creating some of the amazing lighting you can see on the pictures.

so a big shout out to Phil as well as Nicolie and the lovely Monalisa Moyo for her help.

Model Fashion Shoot introducing Marie Jean Saxton

Collected here are the results from a shoot long planned and in the making with fashion model Marie Jean Saxton. And what an amazing model she is. You could not take a bum picture of her, she is the master of her craft and great to work with. The original idea was to shine 1970's advertisement pictures on her, but sadly that did not pan out. I could have added them in Photoshop, but again it did not look right and confused the picture. On top of which, come the day of the shoot. my angina starts playing up and doing all sorts of strange things to my heart and breathing. Yet we all got it done and on time. … well just about. So here they are, a 1970's inspired shoot with thanks to Marie, to Shadrine at Kavour Beauty for her hair and makeup. Plus a shout out to Phil at The Boardroom Studio, Derby.

Model Fashion Shoot introducing New Model Shay Holden

The lovely Shay Holden contacted me through Instagram a few weeks back and we agreed to hook up for a shoot on location in Nottingham, and I am glad we did. Not only because it got me out of the house, but also it was fun being on location with this great new model from Lincoln. We went to the Nottingham Contemporary Art gallery for most of the shoot with Amy in tow to help me out.

A big shout out must go also to my brilliant makeup artist Shadrine at Ka'Vour Beauty for her great work. We came to her shop, we had the makeup done, drank her tea and vandalised the shop !! Sorry Shadrine. xx

Tyler Dyce (Re-Imaged) Shoot from 2019

Rather than say ‘nothing new here, so move along folks’, this month. We have a sort of new, a more … reimaged … look at some old pictures done in 2019 of the amazing Tyler Dyce, taken at the City War Memorial on a cold weekday evening. So heres to her and looking back with fond memories..

Tighten Up x

August Shoots and our day out in Derby

I thought that along with my new makeup artist Ka’Vour Beauty, I would try out a new studio. So booked myself in for a four hour shoot at The Boardroom Studio in Derby. It was a great place and we all got something good out of it. So thanks to Phil at the studio (veiw it here), for all his assistance and use of his pad. This month we were graced by two models, Monalisa Moyo who we have not seen in a while. Also as an extra Tanya Model for your enjoyment. Have a look over the pictures and check out the brilliant makeup artist Shadrine at Ka’Vour Beauty. (Check out her facebook page here).

Monalisa Moyo and Tanya Shoot.

While at the new studio I thought it would be great to snap both star models together … and they agreed. So here are the amazing Monalisa Moyo and Tanya together. Thanks to The Boardroom Studio and to Ka’Vour Beauty for their valued imput.

Tyler Dyce - Chinese styled fashion shoot, December 2019

No shoot would be complete without Tyler Dyce making a show. Here we have a Oriental themed shoot taken in the studio and then some colour grading in photoshop. Tyler was amazing as she always is and a brilliant model to work with. There will be more (much more) for her in 2020. So thanks here to Tyler and Christine Cain for modelling. To Karen Hegarty MUA for her hair and makeup. To Stef Edwards for his much needed help. And to Lee Henshaw for his studio.

Christine Cain - Chinese styled fashion shoot, December 2019

It really great to welcome back the amazing and creative model all the way from San Fransico, the lovely Christine Cain. We last had Christine in the studio for the Jinn shoot a few months back, which she was brilliant at. So it was only natural to give her another turn. Thanks then to Christine and to Tyler Dyce for modelling. To Karen Hegarty MUA for her hair and makeup. To Stef Edwards for his help and Lee Henshaw for his studio lend.

Tyler Dyce & Zarah Lane August Photo Shoot, 2019

I have long been meaning to keep my promise to my good friend Irena Orme, regards photographing her lovely daughter Zarah Lane. So I thought I would bring her along to a shoot with Tyler. And she did not let me down. Zarah was great infront of the camera and under instruction di a brilliant job. So thanks to Zarah and Tyler Dyce our two models for the shoot. To amazing hair and makeup by Karen Hegarty MUA and assistants from Mum, Irena Orme. For the tech heads out there the blurred images were created using a Lensbaby Sweet 80 Lens - Deliberatly !!!

Tyler Dyce & Ed6 Once Upon A Time In The West photo shoot, July 2019

Of all the days in July to pick a shoot on location, I managed to pick the most rain soaked I could find.

Still that said it all went very well, with the rain holding off for just long enough. And in this shoot we have alongside the ever lovely Tyler Dyce, a new model to me. Filipino model Ed6. Ed was great in front of the camera and I managed to get some very nice images of the models. So a big round of applause to models Tyler Dyce and Ed6. To makeup artist Karen Hegarty MUA and to assistants Stef Edwards and Amy. A special mention to our friend Lorraine at The Pit Micropub, Newstead Village, Notts for her hospitality, rooms and great beer. Her micropub was used at the Christmas last 1970’s themed shoot, and just over the road from the nature reserve location. Check out her pub The Pit Micropub