Zhane Harrison First Shoot, May 2019

I put a post up on a modelling website a few weeks back and got some interesting people respond to my post .Barring in mind I asked for models without tattoo’s - So why then did I get a ton load of models covered in the bloody things ? Obviously both reading and understanding are an alien concept for some people? Anyway, out of much of the chaff came this great model and I thought I would give her a chance. She as reasonably new to modelling but shows such promise. So I asked her along to the Tyler Dyce / Monalisa Moyo shoot to try her out in front of the camera. She did not let me down - and here are the results. There is also a big debt of thanks here to the amazing hair and make-up by Karen Hegarty MUA. for all her brilliant work on the day. So It is fair to say I am so pleased with these shoot results and hope to work with this amazing model again soon. …. Welcome to the team Zhane Harrison.

May Flower Update

Please enjoy the months offerings of flowers to the Gods. I still haven’t got over the closure of Goldsmith Flowers, but life goes on and I am sure I will adapt eventually.

April Special Pictures for Digital Art

Something a little different to end the month with. I did some fine art pictures in the style of the old masters using a special method in photoshop that mimics brush strokes. Took some doing and I still have not perfected it yet, but its a work in progress. The other pictures here are on the theme of dance. A woman leaping in a misty forest. A couple dancing on the New York Metro and a surreal picture of a couple tango dancing in death valley, california while their daughter plays on at the piano. Hope you all enjoy?

Tyler Dyce - April Shoot

Yes she’s back again for yet another shoot. Welcome back Tyler Dyce and this time on a cold and blowing location at the War Memorial. She was amazing as always despite freezing to death.This shoot has been named ‘The Great Gates’ Shoot, so thanks to Tyler and to her brother Steffon for helping out with the lights. More, much more from this model coming in the year.

Nicolie Campbell - April Shoot

Nicolie Campbell (Pretty Boy Assassin himself !!!) dropped by at the studio the other week for his third shoot. He is a prize winning boxer from Sheffield, fresh from another win and made for another great shoot. Look forward to more shoots with Nicolie soon I hope. So thanks to our model and to my second photographer Tyler Dyce, who also took some great pictures - if not better !!

April Flowers Update

Welcome back for a fun packed edition of fun - sun and flower power. These were all taken in the home studio with help from my darling wife. I actually have a back log of images I can process still from Goldsmith Flowers Shop, but have started again as I dont want to get lazy on the job.

What happened to my blogs?

The blogs spots have now been transfered to my site as the clever clogs at Google (bless their little hearts, tiny brains and bulging bank accounts!!!), have decided to kill off all the blogs they had - including mine. I know its nothing personal but years of work went into to those blogs - all for nothing. So thank you Google - I salute you - you rotten bastards !!!

Please enjoy the new look blog exclusive to www.lujonraelportfolio.com

March Special Pictures for Digital Art

Just a few Digital Art Specials I made on a weekend in March. Hope you like them?

Tyler Dyce March Shoot

Its March and we have Tyler Dyce back infront of the camera after last months shoot as a photographer herself. Looking lovely as ever. Welcome back Tyler Dyce. Thanks to her and to hair and makeup by Karen Hegarty MUA.

Tyler Dyce & Esther Oyediji (aka Queen Esther) March Shoot

Here are some pictures of Tyler with our new model Esther Oyediji (aka Queen Esther) thanks to both models and Karen Hegarty MUA for her hair and makeup.

Esther Oyediji (aka Queen Esther) March Shoot

Welcome new model Esther Oyediji all the way from Nigeria in west africa. She also models by the name Queen Esther - and is lovely. I so enjoyed working with her. Thanks then to Esther and the Karen Hegarty MUA for all the hair and makeup.

March Flowers Update

Goodbye and thank you to the staff at Goldsmith Flowers

Sadly after ten good years of supplying me with quality flowers to photograph, Goldsmith Flowers has closed its doors to business. With excellent servive, it has been a feature in the town for more than twenty five years. The staff were always friendly and so helpful, and I feel like I have lost a friend. Thanks to Karen, Karen, Dee, Lorainne and Carl. Thank you ...you were the best ....

goldsmith flowers.jpg

February Flowers Update

Here are all the highlights from February 2019’s flower pictures - all taken with natual light. We have the colour (cabella) images, the Sepia (ghost) images, the black & white and the Holga lens images.