holga lens flowers

February Flower Update

This is it for another month. Here are all the flower images for February. Viewers may have noticed that everything is done in fours. Unlike before when I would go to the flower shop each week to get new plants, I now only go once a month and get four flowers. Even if its a five week month, I limit it to four. It saves time and energy, and looks even numerically…... So now you know !

October Flower Update

Welcome back for the autumn offer of flowers taken in our home studio (out house). Hope you like them as a lot of work does go into them. Please enjoy …

July Flower Update

Here are the Cabella Flower Images for July. I have changed the name of one class of image. I used to call the ‘Ghost’ images, because they were old fashion sepia toned. Well they have moved so far away from the original concept that I now call them ‘Alternatives.’ They are all one offs, with a slight sneak of the old sepia in them but with more colour and vibrance added. All flowers provided kindly by Blossoms Florist.

June Flower Update

Here is June's offerings from the flower pictures. I have posted the half year Cabella Flower slide shows above for you all to enjoy. Let me know what you think … send me a message, carrier pigeon, Ouija board … whatever !

February Flowers Update

Here are all the highlights from February 2019’s flower pictures - all taken with natual light. We have the colour (cabella) images, the Sepia (ghost) images, the black & white and the Holga lens images.