
Digital Art – Update

These four digital art images are of Munira Model taken at our second shoot with her (more below). The original versions were blurred because I screwed up and used the wrong lens on the camera. Still not the end of the world when you can do some digital manage on them and make them look reasonable again. I know I am giving the game away here, but you only learn by your mistakes.

Nuria Do Prado Real Shoot

This is a kind of once more around the block shoot with my old and dear friend Nuria Do Prado Real. She still looks as lovely as ever and it was fun to work with her once again. Thank you also to Shadrine at Ka’Vour Beauty and Phil at The Boardroom Studio, Derby. See you all in the new year I hope?

Roxie Shoot

I had a shoot all lined up with my friend Lee Henshaws girlfriend Roxie at his studio. I had to rearrange the times due to it clash with the funeral of Monalisa’s mother. So we ran a bit late. I had taken some inspiration from a shoot by Lindsay Adler in New York, but I think I got the wrong materials for the job and it proved impossible. Still I quite liked the results we got from it, sadly I don’t think the model does. Oh well … you can’t win them all …. Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you. …. Thanks anyway to model Roxie, to Lee Henshaw and to wonderful hair and makeup artist Karen Hegarty MUA.

The Jinn Shoot featuring Christine Cain

Kicking off this septembers model galleries we welcome Chinese beauty, all the way from San Francisco, Miss Christine Cain. She is playing the part of a Genie or Jinn as they are known in Islamic Myth. Jinn are not the happy nice characters of Disney film, rather a malevolent being of true nastiness. Thankfully Christine Cain is everything but the character here. So thank you to her and brilliant makeup artist Karen Hegarty MUA. A special mention to second model Tyler Dyce and studio owner Lee Henshaw.

The Jinn Shoot featuring Tyler Dyce

So as I have said before a Jinn is something from Islamic myth which we would call a Genie. So here is mine and the makeup artists take Karen Hegarty MUA, on the subject using the ever lovely Tyler Dyce as blank canvas. It cost a bit to pull this shoot off, but I think it was worth it. Thanks to Tyler Dyce, Karen Hegarty MUA and second model Christine Cain. Special mention also to studio owner Lee Henshaw for his pad.

Eniola Shittu - First Photoshoot, June 2019

My fellow photographe, assistant and best friend, Tyler Dyce on her frequent nights out in town came across a lovely potential model and a club toilet – as you do ! Anyway, she got her to call me up after getting through to me via Instagram. And I am glad she did, as welcome Eniola Shittu. She is a lovely woman with a strong look and was great in front of the camera. She soon took to it and here are the results. So thanks to Eniola Shittu and Tyler Dyce. xx

April Special Pictures for Digital Art

Something a little different to end the month with. I did some fine art pictures in the style of the old masters using a special method in photoshop that mimics brush strokes. Took some doing and I still have not perfected it yet, but its a work in progress. The other pictures here are on the theme of dance. A woman leaping in a misty forest. A couple dancing on the New York Metro and a surreal picture of a couple tango dancing in death valley, california while their daughter plays on at the piano. Hope you all enjoy?