Hello and welcome back to my blog this rainy August.
It has been a quiet month with again no model shoots, but I have been planning for two shoots in the same week at the end of September. The models then will be athlete and champion boxer Nicolie Campbell and then fashion model Monalsia Moyo. I have all the props ready, but have a small oily problem with one of the bits for Nicolies shoot. I intend to shoot him wearing chain-mail and managed to get some great gear from India. Unfortunately it has come smothered in axel oil and quite unusable. I purchased a grey backup but it is not as good as the oily black one. I was advised to wash it several times in hot soapy water, which I shall do … if not I am snookered !
I hope to bring you the pictures next month.
Now I don't normally highlight other photographers work on my blog, but I would like to draw your attention to a book soon to be released by a friend of mine. Amazing wildlife and native peoples photographer Scott Davis from California, is someone I friended on Instagram (#scottydavispics) and follow his work avidly, To me he is like the film maker David Lean of photography with his images and we often comment on each others work. Scott also takes extraordinary pictures of indigenous people from all over the world, from Brazil to Mongolia and the narrative on their portraits tells such a powerful narrative. Check them out on his Instagram or why not visit his website www.scottdavisimages.com
Anyway, he has a book coming out called 'The Science of hope: Eye to eye with our worlds wildlife' which he co-authored with Wiebke Finkler Ph.D. I am always impressed with his knowledge of his subjects, only bettered by Sir David Attenborough in that field.
The book is in the shops and online in the United Kingdom from 21st September. 2021