
Maryna Sedin – Second Shoot – In The Garden

Here was a shoot planned many months ago and would always be at the mercy of the British weather. Lucky for us it did not rain that day until we were done. So this the second outing for amazing Maryna Sedin took place in and around my Fathers garden, on the last day of June 2023.

I had help from a great MUA from Northampton called Kerry Claire, who did a wonderful job on the lovely Ukrainian model Maryna Sedin, which went a good way to making this shoot so memorable. I must also mention my Mother for making some lovely nibbles for us all to eat at half time and of course Dad for making his garden accessible, neat and tidy for the shoot. My wife Amy cannot be left out as she was the lighting woman on every set, so thanks to her in no small way.

I do hope you all enjoy the results from this shoot?

The Garden Updates

While rooting around on some old hard drives I came across so more ancient flower pictures. So I tarted them up and put them on the website. Have a look. I am not sure if there is any more out there, but If I come across them I shall post them up.

My Fathers Garden

On our visit to my parents home we had the added bonus of photographing my Father’s beloved garden on the one day that did not rain. Here are the results. I have decided to give them their own folder in the ‘Flower Art’ section of this website, the folder is titled ‘The Garden.’. So its open now to do more at a later date, or photograph other peoples garden. Thank you as always to Amy for her help and to Mum and Dad. X

See you all next month.