
Projects – 'Landscapes' Update

I never thought I would be doing any updates for this blog, as getting out and about in the deepest countryside is not easy for me. Yet over the New Year break my parents kindly took me on a magical mystery tour of some of the back lanes where they live, and I am quite happy with the results. We had good weather with us. It was am over cast day, but that is fine because it adds drama to landscape pictures.

So thanks Mum and Dad for your help on the day. They know they do not particularly like black and white images as it is what they grew up with, but I think they would agree It gives the pictures more depth and punch.

Projects - 'Architectural Metaphor' Updates

Just to start off with a look over some architecture this month, with some brutal 1970's car park design amongst others As well as an old and faded art deco veneer shop front face which used to once be the Co-op.

Projects – 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Update

Just a couple to update this project gallery this month as it has not been having much love for a while. These were taken on a trip around town, primarily to snap some clothing on location, but as an opportunity to grab some sound of the suburbs stuff.

Project – 'Noir et blanc' Update

There has not been an update for this project for a while, so I thought to grab a few snaps of the Penthouse Suite we booked for the 'Good Times' Fashion Shoot at the splendid St. James Hotel in Nottingham. Chairs, lampshade, mirrors and cups of tea make this update with a backdrop of some expensive wallpaper. I should have also shot the bedroom as that was great, but by that time I was too tired.

Maybe next time ?

Project – 'Architectural Metaphor' Update

Amy and I took a day trip so she could visit the Chinese Supermarket. So while there we took advantage of the local architecture, snapping away and seeing if we could get anything worth showing. It was a bit hit or miss, but I think we got some good photos in general. My particular favourites being of the side view of the Theatre Royal. It has an Art Deco feel and look about it.

Project - 'Architectural Metaphor' Update

Just a few images this month that I nearly did not bring you.

Let me explain, I took the liberty of photographing my local general hospital, because it has an interesting design. Little did I know that you have to have permission to do that until some man mountain range ape of a security guard informed me rudely and with thuggish glee. So I tossed him a few lines of well placed expletives back, just for his troubles. It then fell to him and three of his thug mates to escort us both to the front of the hospital . From there the gang of four stood loitering around giving my wife and I the stinky eye stare as we waited to catch a taxi home. They obviously had nothing better to do with their time than to harass a disabled man innocently taking a few shots of NHS property? Apparently not, so it would seem.

Maybe they thought Amy and I were a major criminal threat, planning the down fall civilisation … or the Health Service at any rate, using only my walking stick and digital camera? . Who knows. Still, the results I did manage to get I am reasonably happy with, so please enjoy them.

Project - 'Architectural Metaphor' Update

During the visit to rainy Northamptonshire this month, I finally got to go back to Sywell Aerodrome and capture the Art Deco designed buildings. Doing this fulfilled an on going desire I had since first seeing them before the lockdown. I had literally dreamed about it countless times. A note to add, there are more pictures published in this blog than on the ''Architectural Metaphor page due to repetition issues. Thanks to Amy and my parents for their help on the day

Projects - 'Noir et Blanc' Update

I know its probably a little odd photographing lamp shades but I could not help but admire the textures of the light, as well as on the shades and wallpaper.

Projects - 'Landscapes' Update.

Here is another I found hidden away in a cupboard. Its an old hand developed print of a view on one of the beaches at Hayle in Cornwall. I remember this view mesmerized me when I took it as the eye is led down to the sea by the poles and cable supports. I had to give it a sepia tone in Photoshop as the original print was made on a very unstable paper called 'Oriental Seagull' which turns a nasty colour over time.

Projects - 'Architectural Metaphor' Update.

Viewed here are some new and old mix of images I recently took of the Nottingham Contemporary Art Gallery along with some really old architecture shots from a shoot I did decades ago in Rock Cemetery.

Projects - 'Landscapes' Update.

I am happy to bring you a random mix of old images for the landscape project. They are not new and many are from transparencies and old print film scanned in and brought up to date photoshop. Still old as they maybe, I do think they are worth another good look.

*NEW* Projects - 'X00 Multiplies'

This is a new gallery project all about buildings and architecture that have a symmetry about them. In point Art Deco design, which sadly they do not have in my town. But they do have some great modern buildings that a designed with thought. It is all in black and white for effect, thank you to Amy for her support.

Projects - 'Sound Of The Suburbs' Gallery Update.

After a brief time away from this project, I finally found the strength to go out and do a bit for the sound of the suburbs gallery. Thanks to Amy for her help on those days.

Projects - 'Noir et Blanc' Gallery Update.

A few new pictures for this project, this month. A drawing of my wife that hangs on my living room wall. A fan. A door latch to the back door and some fetching marigold gloves. I know, not the most exciting stuff, but it is supposed to be a gallery of the everyday in black and white.

Projects - 'Noir et Blanc' Gallery Update.

Here is a one of Project image for the ‘Noir et Blanc’ Gallery. I was taken in my front room with me on my couch looking up at the ceiling. The light you see highlights the picture of Amy just below to the bottom right.

Projects - 'Noir et Blanc' Gallery Update.

Just a small update this month for this project gallery. All images taken in the golden hour just as the sun came up. Beautiful light that time of the day.

*NEW* Projects - 'Noir et Blanc' Gallery

In keeping with the truelly brilliant black and white photography I have seen enter the competion at Lens Culture. I thought I would do some more of my own. These were also inspired the the haunting paintings of late American artist Andrew Wyeth. His work is stark and lonely, but interesting. I hope I can achieve just a fraction of that interest with images I took in and around my kitchen. A frying pan, tea, beans, apples in a bucket and fashion magazines on a washing line. Thanks to Amy for her loyal help. xx

This new projects gallery is called ‘Noir et Blanc.’

*NEW* Project - 'STEEL'

This is the first of two new projects this month. This one is titled ‘Steel’ and features small details of household itens like tea strainer, garlic crusher and spud masher. Here it is …

*NEW* Project - 'RUST'

Second of two new projects i started this month, again with Amys help. This one is titled ‘Rust.’ I have a lot of rusty tools and cutlery that has seen there best years. I have photographed these objects during the golden hour and distressed.

Projects - Sound Of The Suburbs

A few more snaps to add to the scrap book of odd things. These were taken near my house, as its not too far to walk. Thanks to ASDA and to 2nd Generation Unisex Hair Salon for there help.