June Flower Updates

Got some lovely flowers last month from our friends at the florist, as well as providing me with the rolls of wrapping paper to build the paper dress for the Maryna Sedin Shoot. There is an arum lily which is part of the onion family which has this unusual flower. In most cases the flower is round and looks like a purple daisy, but this is different. It also comes with a really interesting 'kink' in its stem that sets it apart this month. Notice also the white images for the black and white section are a greenish colour? I thought I might try something else out this month, because my new computer still does not have some of the old Photoshop presets on it, I have experimented with one of the pre=loaded ones and got this greenish result. I quite like it, so here for this month is an off white black and whites.

Thanks then to our friends Chris and the ladies at the Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours. For all their help this month with everything and a mention also to Amy for her assistance.

So that’s it for this month, be sure to tune back at the end of July for another update.

Take care of yourselves.
