May (and Aprils) Updates, So what happened to the April blog ???

A very warm welcome back to my little piece on the web

So what happened to Aprils blog spot? Put simply my computer went up the shit creak without a paddle..After many years of service it got old, ill and It forced my hand and instead of throwing good money at it, it was best just to buy a new one. So that is what I did/

With a great help from my good friend Mark, I purchased a PC with Amazon all for a good price. Trouble was when it arrived it was fitted with Windows 10 rather than Windows 11 as advertised. It also said that it could not be upgraded to Windows 11 as it did not reach the spec. So I sent it back and got a replacement. This all took time and it crept across the month stopping me from doing last months blog. But we are up and running now with a thanks to Mark for guidance.Health wise took me on a visit to my local A&E department with sore that has been festering on the back of my right leg. I get blisters that erupt due to my blood sugars and when they pop they often are a magnate for infection. This nasty one looked on the mend when it was treated and scabbed over, but somehow the scab broke and the wound was left open to the elements again. Needless to say it went green and smelled ripe. It still does, so the Doctors have put me on antibiotics. There is always the fear that they might have to amputate my leg at the worst if I get Poisson blood, but it has not come to that yet so enough with the mellow dramatics.

I have also been diagnosed with Narcolepsy because I keep falling to sleep everywhere I go and drop off sometimes in the middle of a conversation. I already have sleep apnea, so this does not worry me or surprise me too much. I no longer drive, so it won’t affect me that much. Apart from that I am all fine. God is in heaven and all is well with the world as they say.

It is our thirty sixth wedding anniversary on June 4th. So Amy and I might throw caution to the wind this year and live wild like …. call out for a pizza or kebab this year ? Its tough at the top you know ! But joking aside, I would wish to thank Amy for putting up with me all these years and quite literally kept me alive all these years. Love you.

So enjoy the blog and come back at the end of June for the next update.