
April Updates and a dirty rotten, lowlife scoundrel

Welcome back to my little corner of the web.

It has been an eventful month this month with a model not bothering to turn up for the shoot. I don't wish to waste too much print time on this person as I hate scammers and fraudsters in general. The model in question I had the great misfortune of crossing paths with is Kay Carter from Manchester. She contacted me through Instagram and I had deep miss giving about this model long before the shoot, but gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all I had paid her a deposit (one she has to this day not refunded!) and everything seemed legit. So come the day she never turned up putting The studio out my makeup artist as well as myself. So my senses were correct all along. I smelled a rat and had to take it on the chin. It is my opinion that this model )who is on IG as @thatmoel_kay and PP as #Cataleya) is a practised liar and a fraudster. Keep her downwind at all times and better still give her the finger !

With the best will in the world these things happen. It was not the first time I have had a 'No Show' and I am sure it will not be the last, its just a shame when it happens. On top of which, and more than money is the time wasted by all the other people involved bringing these shoots together, Apologies to Phil Lynam and Shadrine at Kavour Beauty.

On a more positive note I got to work with Mercybongo again on a shoot a few days ago (results still in editing stage) as well as lovely new model to me Iyisha Rose. So this month has not been a complete write off. As always respect to the Boardroom Studio and Kavour Beauty for all their wonderful help. Hope you enjoy the blog this month. Lots to see …..