June Updates, Two enjoyable model fashion shoots, a gamy back leg and an equally gamy EVRI delivery man.

Apologies for the slight lateness in this last months blog. I somehow got myself locked out of the Squarespace dashboard area that controls the website. We are all sorted now so here we are, better late than never I suppose ?

I have a tale of woe for you and a gruesome picture of the back of my right neck. It looks like an axe wound, but it is in fact a blister that burst open on my leg. It was a huge one and I get them because of my diabetes. Anyway, it burst and splatted all over the bed sheets leaving a sticky mess. Thankfully Amy was on hand to treat it and she has done a very good job too.. At one point I had to go to my local A&E because I ruptured the scab that was nicely growing on it. It suddenly turned green and black and gave off a very ripe smell of decay. They cleaned me up and put me on antibiotics which did the trick. Now my local GP nurse wanted me to come in and have it seen to at least three times a week but I said no as doing the quick maths it was going to cost me over £100 +in taxi fares alone for the month. I argued that Amy was doing a good enough job and so should continue …. so that's what we have done and its healing up nicely now. No more puss and a foul smell any more …..

…. And talking of puss and bad smells it leads me onto the little wing ding I had this last month with a deliver from EVRI (previously called Hermes) So there is this delivery man who is also the wrong side of fifty as am I, that regularly knocks on my door to drop off parcels I have had a previous run in with this man before when he complained to me that we had been away when he had banged on our door three days on the trot to deliver a parcel at new year time. He pulled a sour face that only someone who used to chew tobacco as a kid would do. So I apologised and said I will happily send him a postcard next time we are away ! So up to modern day and to cut a story short, I needed to replace a chair my fat bum broke in the studio the week before and I purchased two from Ebay. They were set to be delivered on the Saturday ready for me to take them down to Derby on a Wednesday. They did not show up, so on the Monday I cancelled the order. Then would you believe it, on the Thursday they turned up with happy chops himself at my front door. I politely informed him that I had cancelled them to which he flew into a strop and stamped his feet saying why the f**k did I order it in the first place and I was wasting his time? So that was it … I was pissed that he would swear at a customer like that, but hay-ho, I can give as good as I get and so did by telling him were he could go and calling him a miserable (a private part of the female anatomy and a word that rhymes with the name Jeremy Hunt) ! I then went and complained about him on a message I left on EVRIs telephone line. I doubt anything was done about it but smiley turned up again two days later with his face hidden by his cap and was as nice as pie. I said nothing. He also came the following day when Amy answered the door and he even slimly called her 'love' … ahhhh how sweet of him! Although I think I preferred the puss sack when he was just a miserable C......!

At least then you knew where you stood with him.

So this month I must apologies for not having any extras to show you in Digital art, projects or still life. Its because I have had to replace my old and tired PC with a new one and that was time consuming and stressful, although I did get a helping hand from my friend Mark (I hope your reading this) and to whom I am hugely in debited for his advice. Cheers buddy, We do however have some great flowers to show you and two huge galleries of model fashion pictures starring Mercybongo and Maryna Sedin.

Please enjoy x