April Updates

Hello and welcome back to the Lujon Rael blog spot on the web.

Its been a quiet month really, with very little going on after the hectic of March. I was not going to do a fashion shoot this month, but the urge got the better of me and Monalisa Moyo was looking for something to do. So we did one. I purchased a new camera this month as my old Nikon D3X was getting tired, due to its ten years or more of loyal service. I don't get rid of my old cameras, that to me would be like selling your own granny for a few quid. I just retire them and keep them safe. And I have loads of old cameras to look after.

Anyway, I would like to thank Monalisa, Chris, Gail and Nina at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours … as well as Amy for her loyal support.