October Updates and Happy Wedding Day to Shadrine ...

Welcome back to the Lujon Rael Portfolio blog update for October, I do hope you are all well and Covid free.

Before I begin I would like to wish my friend and work colleague Shadrine and her partner Mario, a happy Wedding Day this month from both Amy and I. I hope you are both blessed to have as many happy, loving years together as I have had spent with my wife. People often decry marriage, but I can say in all honesty its the best thing that ever happened to me My wife saved me ... and mostly from myself.

So technically speaking there has not been a fashion photoshoot this calendar month, but we have the results for last months shoot with amazing Monalisa Moyo in the hotel. An eventful shoot, we got the job done and we let out a sigh of relief on its completion before taking to this very comfortable, air conditioned luxury bedroom. I am pleased with the results and honoured to be working with such creatives as Monalisa, Shadrine and Amy.

I had a fall this month. I have had falls before, mostly on carpeted floor but this one was on hard concrete. The fall ripped my knees up a bit, but more than that it shook me up. For a good few days I felt shaky on my feet and found it hard to walk. More than I normally do. It all happened so fast. I got out of a taxi after visiting the florist and my legs went from under me. I tumbled like a bag of potatoes to the floor. But what do you do? You have to pick yourself up and dust yourself down and carry on. I know my weight does not help me. I know the nerve damage and muscle waistage to my right leg affects me also …. but bollocks to all that. I refuse to make excuses, or to feel sorry for myself and will survive … for another day at least !

Enough of that, please enjoy this months blog updates with thanks to all the generous people involved in its creation.

I would also like to put in a special thank you to my father for taking me to see a great concert in Nottingham by Ex Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett. I loved every minute of it Dad. x