Thank you for coming back and welcome to this September’s bumper harvest.
I would like to draw your attention to a competiton I entered from Lens Culture. Its the Black & White Photography Awards 2020. I put in seven pictures, not expecting a single one to get a second look, but to my suprise they have liked one of them that they are featuring on their sight and you are able to support.
This is the picture
Its a nerdy picture i took of male model Lee Henshaw with his collar buttoned up. Notice also his collar on the viewers right hand side, is on his jacket.
He is not wearing a tie.
Anyway if you follow the link here it will take you to the page. scroll down until you get to the ‘Competition Gallery’ and use the toggle on the right of the picture to look at all the pictures. Mine is close to the bottom. Please star it as favourite …. please !!!
Thank you for your support and enjoy this months blog.