Welcome to the March blog updates ... and a sad farewell to Mrs Kana. x

What a differenc a month makes. I am talking about Covid 19 or Coronavirus as its called, but before that I would like to make a mention about someone we have lost. One of my dear friends and regular model Monalisa Moyo lost her mother to cancer a few weeks ago. Her mother, Mrs Midress Kana was a sweet woman and Monalisa’s best friend in life. I would see her on the occasions when she would bring Monalisa and her son Brian to the shoots. In truth I never knew her as well as perhaps I should have done. I should really have taken the time to get to know her and have no excuses. Yet I knew her well enogh to know she was ‘good people.’ Mrs Midress Kana was in her mid forties and originated in what was once Rhodesia, now todays Zimbabwe.

God be with you and those you loved, now and forever Mrs Kana.

So the world has been swept with the angel of death, known as Covid 19 the Coronavirus. It has effected everybody and everything. Life has been put on hold with no clear idea when it will return. So with this in mind I have had to cancel April and May’s model shoots. A real pain in the neck but there is nothing else to do. I have some flower images I could edit from my collection of shoots I have put away for a rainy day, but they won’’t last long. We will have to see what happens and soon as the world is better, carry on. Take care of yourselves and hope to see you all in April.