Music: 'The heart asks pleasure first'
performed by Myleene Klass
Music: 'The heart asks pleasure first'
performed by Myleene Klass
While having a break away I was pleased to be invited (well more I asked than invited!) to visit and photograph the garden of one of my fathers friends Mike and Val Curtis. Wow what a great little garden they have, so full of colour and life. The variety of plants was again different from the ones found in my father’s garden, so made an interesting contrast. Thanks then to Mike and Val for hosting Amy, Dad and While we took the pictures.
I seriously screwed up this month … Instead of bringing you the Squared Black and White pictures, all I can offer is an apology. I simply forgot to take them. By the time I had realised my error the flowers had gone over so it was too late, Still we did manage to photograph some great flowers from our friends Chris Gail and Nina at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours. So a very warm thanks to them for their help. You may note that the colour images are a bit on the blurred side.? This is not down to my poor eyesight but rather the Lensbay Velvet 85 I have been using and fallen in love with. It gives them a very dreamy, etherial look which I do like to experiment with.
So that's it for this month, please come back next month for more.
And so before I forget, thank you to Amy for all her help with the flowers, shoots and lovely hand made dress..
I got to try out my new Lensbaby Velvet 80 lens on the colour versions of this months flower pictures. I am quite pleased with the results. It gives some of the pictures a very dreamy look to them and fresh from the camera, so very little editing. Also this month Amy purchased some plastic flowers from some charity shops in town. I thought the plastic fantastic flowers would look horrendous, but they too look great. See if you can spot them?
Thanks as always to my friends at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours to Chris, Gail and Nina. As well as a thank you to Amy for all her help,
We will be back next month with some new pictures for 'The Garden' section on the website, so come back for them
Bye x
This month we have a few extras to show, along with the usual excellent selection I get from Brambles Florist. We also have an Amaryllis flower my parents gave me for this last Christmas and a twig full of blossom Amy picked out of the roadside. I have know idea what it is, but it photographs nicely. Thanks as always to my friends at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours, Chris, Gail and Nina for there great help in bringing these images to you. Thanks also to Amy for her help.
On the visit to Newstead Abby, as well as grabbing the landscape pictures, there were a few flowers out that had not gone over. Only a few … I think it might be worth another visit in the Summer months. Anyway, here they are.
There is a very pinkish feel to the flower pictures this month. I did not notice it at the time I went to Brambles Florist to get them, and I am certainly not complaining … It just makes a bit of a theme for this months images. It was the Thursday before Mothers Day that I dropped in to make a selection, so the shop was crazily busy that day. Still thanks to Nina and Wendy at the shop for helping me and of course Chris who was out delivering. Check out the two websites that accompany this amazing florist for all your flower needs. Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours – worth a look.
Love and kisses also to Amy for her help.
That's it for this month, see you all at the end of April
I got all inspired by some pictures I found on Instagram where the photographer had made every image squared and black and white. They were either done using a medium format camera or squared in Photoshop. Either way they looked great and I wanted to do some of my own.
I shall let you into a secret …. some of the pictures here are of fake flowers, so can you guess which ones? The plastic fantastic were from my Mothers front room and taken at the New Year time.
I do hope you like the concept and enjoy the random highlights.
So as well as the new 'Squared B/W/ ' gallery above we also have the regular flower pictures fresh from the shop. Remember those storms we had a few weeks ago, well they clashed with me going to The Brambles Florist and I was worried that the flowers would not stand the short journey to the taxi? Luckily I got around this problem by going a few days later, when it was still blowy but manageable. So here is this February offerings thanks in no small way to our friends Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist,
See you next month.
It is good to be back photographing flowers again after the Christmas break. It seems like an age since I took up the camera for these snaps. As always I would like to thank my good friends at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours, Chris and Wendy for all their help in choosing this months selection. Also a shout out to Amy for all her help in setting our home studio up.
See you next month
A quick review of this last half of the year in flowers
Music: 'Soul Cake' (Trad) Sting
A few seasonal plants for cheer thrown in to give it a bit of a Christmas feel about it. All the flowers were ably provided as usual by our friends Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist. Once again thank you for all their flowers this month and every month before in the year. A shout out to Amy for all her help on these shoots.
See you all alive and well in 2022. xx
Penultimate flower show of the year with another great palette of colour from our friends at the Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours. Its not full on Christmas feel to it, but the red berries are seasonal with the Alternative version in purple my favourite of the shoot. Thanks then to Chris and Wendy at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours for all their help. With a special mention to my wife, Amy for her assistance. See you all next month
Another great month for flowers, provided by Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist. Its that time of the year for gladioli flowers, so I had a couple to see which one came out the best. They can be awkward to capture sometimes because of their size, but if you concentrate on one flower over and above a series of flowers it can look good.
So thanks then to Chris and Wendy for their much needed help and support along with a shout out to Amy for her input on the day.
Due to the two fashion shoots I had this month, I had to photograph the flowers a good week before I normally would have. Thankfully Chris at Flowers To Yours was very understanding and allowed me to have a few of his finest a couple of weeks ago. The emphasis this month is more on shape and form rather than straight forward flowers. So slightly different, but still worth a look. Thanks then to Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist for their brilliant help. And a thank you also to Amy for assisting me photograph them.
While rooting around on some old hard drives I came across so more ancient flower pictures. So I tarted them up and put them on the website. Have a look. I am not sure if there is any more out there, but If I come across them I shall post them up.
Its the August flower updates time, with a great collection provided by my friends Chris and Wendy at Brambles Florist and Flowers To Yours. So a big warm thanks to them. Look out for the alternative image of a single clematis petal in purple that is a favourite of mine. And talking of purple I have thrown in a couple of extra pictures of Lavender taken around the corner from my house. Just a little extra so to speak. Thanks also to Amy for here help and assistance.
Here is a mix of flower images I took in situ across the British Isles from my bathroom window to Kew Gardens, to my wifes hanging baskets and So much more. Most of these were taken on old Fuji and Kodak Transparency (Slide) films, long before digital came along and when I was just taken the pictures as and when I had the chance. Some some of the quality is not always 100% (Like the cowslip for example), but they are still worth a look.
Now last but by no means least I am proud to present this months flowers taken in our home studio with the help of Chris and Wendy and Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist. Amy and I took the pictures last Saturday when it was not so hot outside and the light was perfect. I still managed to sweat like a pig, before having a hair cut and bath to follow. But the end results speak for themselves and unlike the above images, these are fresh off the camera. So a huge thank you to Chris and Wendy at Flowers To Yours and Brambles Florist and to Amy.
That is about it for this month. I hope you enjoyed this months blog and be sure to come back next month for more. X
It is that time of the year when I do a half yearly slide show of some of the best from the flower art galleries. This is a long one, scraping in at eleven plus minutes, but worth the view.
All the flowers in this slideshow were kindly provided by my friends Chris at Flowers To Yours and Wendy from Brambles Florist. I could not have done it without them.
Music: Norfolk Rhapsody - Ralph Vaughan Williams